Monday, September 21, 2015

The notes on the neck

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Basically the chords that we see in the other post, they are formed by the junction of a lot of notes in the guitar neck. So maybe you don't know anything about scales or musical harmony, but you're using this every time you make a chord.

About the guitar neck and the scales, we can deduce that it always follows the same sequence, is natural scale of C(Do)
C(do)>D(re)>E(mi)>F(fa)>G(sol)>A(la)>B(si)>C(do octave higher)

Between tones we have semitones, just not for E and B.

Ex:        C>C#>D         G>G#>A
              E>F>F#          B>C>C#

The solos and the accompaniment walk together when we listen songs. This is harmony.

Every song has a tone, this tone has a scale and all the other notes come from here. That is how we can make the construction of a song, and choose what notes are appropriate to use.

Class I

Discovering guitars
   The guitar is a popular musical instrument classified as a string instrument with anywhere from 4 to 18 strings, usually having 6. The sound is projected either acoustically or through electrical amplification (for an acoustic guitar or an electric guitar, respectively). It is typically played by strumming or plucking the strings with the right hand while fretting (or pressing against the fret) the strings with the left hand. The guitar is a type of chordophone, traditionally constructed from wood and strung with either gut, nylon or steel strings and distinguished from other chordophones by its construction and tuning.   
   Electric guitars, introduced in the 1930s, use an amplifier that can electronically manipulate and shape the tone. Early amplified guitars employed a hollow body, but a solid body was eventually found more suitable, as it was less prone to feedback. Electric guitars have had a continuing profound influence on popular culture.The guitar is used in a wide variety of musical genres worldwide. It is recognized as a primary instrument in genres such as blues, bluegrass, country, flamenco, folk, jazz, jota, mariachi, metal, punk, reggae, rock, soul, and many forms of pop. (Wikipedia - Search for Guitar)

We got six strings in guitars, and we can count like:

1 st - E (Mi) (High E)
2 nd - B 
3 rd - G 
4 th - D
5 th - A
6 ht - E (Low E)